Sunday, March 14, 2010

17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

Over the past few weeks, I have been reading, taking detailed notes and making significant life changes as I process through John Maxwell's book: The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. Over the course of my life I have found myself involved on many teams, leading many teams and looking from the outside at other teams. I have experienced success and failures, I have been a good teammate and at many times not the best. I have relived moments of greatness and moments that weren't so great.

Whether you are married, work for an organization, pastor or play sports; you are on some type of team in life. Each member of the team brings value to the area of their specific strength (or calling). Unfortunately, in a society that competes to be the best, we fail to wok off each others strengths and allow our individual pursuit of greatness outweigh the effects of a great team.

Teamwork is essential to life, not to mention - a good thing! Teamwork is the only real way to make your dream work. It is a process of learning and capitalizing with others.

Some questions that have personally challenged me are:
How am I a good team player? What characteristics made me a good team player?
When have I been a bad team player? What characteristics made me a bad team player?
What lessons have I learned from watching others on my teams?
What 3 things can I do to stretch myself to be a better team player?

I'd like to challenge you to ask yourself these questions. Maybe even ask some of those on your team to answer these about you. Lastly, you need to get a copy of this book if you have not ever read it.

God Bless!

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